District and School Goals
District GoalsTop of Page
District Goals
Working closely with stakeholders throughout the district, 5 goals have been identified for focus within the next three years.
Goal 1: All students will receive high quality instruction in Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and other California State Standards (ELD, Music, Art, Social Studies, PE) from highly qualified, trained, and professionally supported teachers.
Goal 2: All students, Pre-K through 8th grade, will have equitable access to programs, supports, and services as needed to respond to student behavioral, social emotional and academic needs.
Goal 3: Integrate technology into all subject areas to increase student achievement and engagement with 21st century skills and better prepare students for their future career choices.
Goal 4: Ensure a smooth transition to high school for all students by developing systems and programs that monitor student progress towards social, behavior, attendance, and reaching academic goals.
Goal 5: Development and maintenance of warm, safe, and dry facilities to improve student experience and performance.
Belle Haven School GoalsTop of Page
School Goals
- CAASPP: The school will increase by 5 percentage points the number of students at or above proficiency on the ELA and Math CAASPP assessment when looking at cohort data for grades 4th-8th grade. For 3rd grade, since there is no prior year data in 2nd, we will compare with the previous year in 3rd grade, maintaining the 5 percentage points improvement target.
- Reading: All students will meet their individual 10 month reading goal.
- Math: All students will benefit from grade level teams meeting and collaboratively planning math units monthly.
- Math Facts: All students will learn their grade level math facts by the end of the year (e.g. school support: ReflexMath)
- Math Vocabulary: All students will benefit from a sequence that will be created for math vocabulary across the grade levels.
- Writing: All students will increase their independent writing time stamina with grade level quality of work.
- Observations: All students will benefit from their teachers observing best practices in their teacher peers’ classrooms once every trimester.