Welcome to Belle Haven! Top of Page
Belle Haven believes that all students are capable of learning and we as educators take responsibility to empower lifelong learners in a safe, inclusive environment for our diverse school community of students, parents, and faculty through compassionate relationships, rigorous instruction, cultural responsiveness, and collective engagement.
At Belle Haven, all students will be successful in meeting grade level standards through culturally responsive and anti-racist instruction.
Message from Admin:Top of Page

Michelle Masuda Lee Stuart Shiraishi
Principal Vice Principal
August 2024
Dear Belle Haven Families,
Welcome back to all our returning students and families and welcome to our new families. My name is Michelle Masuda Lee and I am proud to be the principal of a school with a tradition of academic excellence and dedicated parental involvement. Mr. Shiraishi, our Vice Principal, and I are excited to have your students fill our classrooms with joy this year. Our staff have been busy this summer planning and attending trainings in order to provide an engaging and meaningful school year filled with many academic and social opportunities for every student.
This coming year we will be going through changes in location. Belle Haven will be going through some major construction starting in January 2024. For this reason, we will all be moving out to portables this summer for the next few years. The new Belle Haven School entrance will be on Hamilton Street.
Through all of our changes, I want your child(ren) to be happy and successful at Belle Haven. I believe that families play a key role in student’s success by continually showing interest in school and providing support for their child. Any child who knows that his or her family is interested in and supports the school program will always enjoy greater success. Please share with your child's teacher any information you feel will help us better serve your child and your family. I believe that ongoing communication among parents, students, and teachers is critical in assuring student success. If you find that your student(s) need to speak to a counselor, please notify your teacher or the office.
Staff emails can be found on our website, http://bellehaven.ravenswoodschools.org/Staff-Directory/ or you can call the school to get a hold of your teacher. Please make sure your phone number and email are updated with the school. Belle Haven uses Parent Square as a form of communication. Please download the app to your phone or register online.
Our results from district benchmark assessments show that students with better attendance were more successful. Please have your child(ren) at school by 8:30am daily. Teachers have a limited amount of time with students and want to promote learning acceleration. When students are in class, they learn from their teacher and build relationships with their peers. I hope you will be able to support us and your student(s) during this school year.
For the safety of our staff and students, we are requesting all visitors to please sign in at the front office. Please only use the main office entrance of the school during the day and working hours. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the school for the correct forms to fill out.
For more information about this upcoming school year, please join one of our Parent Orientations on Wednesday, August 9 online at 8:30am, the link will be shared through Parent Square OR in person at 4:30pm.
Please feel free to contact us in the office at (650) 329-2898 starting August 14th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We are here to assist you and to provide the best education and experiences for your child.
On behalf of the staff, I welcome you to another great year and we look forward to seeing you. Go Panthers!
Michelle Masuda Lee, Principal & Stuart Shiraishi, Vice Principal
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Ravenswood City School District
The Ravenswood City School District (RCSD) in San Mateo County is a unique academic environment that draws from the culturally rich communities of East Palo Alto and eastern Menlo Park. The ethnic make-up of the population is predominantly Hispanic (80%), African American (9%), Pacific Islander (12%) and other (4%). RCSD serves more than 1,500 students in transitional kindergarten through eighth grades in four schools that includes one middle school, one Spanish-English dual immersion academy and two elementary schools serving TK through 5th grade.